SWEF Grant Programme
Application Form

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  • 12 Characters
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About You:

What is the address where you currently live?

Your preferred contact details:

Your previous experience, training and qualifications:

About Your Business:

Business address (if different from your home address):

This information may be included in your sales forecast but anwering this question will help us to understand your calculations. Include any relevant information about the profit you hope to make from your product/service.

This information will help us understand if you have thought about these costs, including any equipment needed to take payments.
Your Budget:

This could be material, equipment, stock or services. Avoid general terms like 'marketing' that do not provide enough detail about how you will spend the grant.

Your Business Plan:

This will help us understand the financial position of your business.

This will help us to understand if you have done any research beyond family and friends and will also be a key part of your business plan.

This will help us to understand if you know your customer base and will also be a key part of your business plan.

For us to progress your application to the next stage we would like to see a business plan and sales forecast. If for any reason you are unable to provide these, please tell us why here.

Links - please provide links to your website or social media pages and seller pages such as Ebay, Etsy, etc

Your Bank details:
If you are successful and awarded a grant you will need a business bank account.  If you already have a business bank account please provide details below and attach a copy of a recent bank statement (from the last 3 months).  

Your Supporting Documents:


Your referee should be a person who can tell us about your abilities and can confirm your circumstances.  This might be a teacher, someone you have worked for or a youth worker.  The referee form is available on our website and when completed should be emailed to us directly to enquiries@forevernotts.com.

Please attach documents to support your application such as proof of Universal Credit, business plan, etc.

Please print your name and date in the box below to confirm you have read and agree to the following.

I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information within this form is correct.

I give consent to Forever Notts - Community Foundation for Nottinghamshire to process and retain the information provided in this application in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  I give consent to Forever Notts sharing this application and it's contents, including my contact details, with SWEF (SWEF CIC) and it's fundholders.

The information provided in this application will be processed and stored in accordance with Forever Notts' Data Protection Policy.  For more information on how we gather and store data, please read our Privacy Statement.

If awarded I agree to participate in any meetings or communications relating to this grant, with both Forever Notts and SWEF CIC.

I further understand that:

  • The funding can only be spent as detailed within this grant application.  If it is necessary to alter the purpose of the grant I will discuss this with Forever Notts, prior to any alterations, and gain written formal approval from them.
  • If a grant is awarded it is based on the information I have given in this application form and in any supporting documents I provide.  If any of this information is found to be knowingly incorrect, I may be ineligible to apply for future grants.
  • I am applying for a one-off grant of up to £2,000 from the SWEF grant programme and if successful it is my responsibility to deal with any changes to state benefits or income tax liabilities arising from the grant.
  • If my circumstances change and this is relevant to my application or grant, if awarded, I will contact Forever Notts immediately.
  • I must provide feedback on the progress of my business to Forever Notts / SWEF CIC 6 months after the grant has been awarded, and again at 12 months after the grant has been awarded.  I will provide evidence of spending the grant e.g. copies of receipts, invoices, etc.  This feedback will either take the format of a short qustionnaire sent via email, an online meeting or telephone call.
  • I must inform Forever Notts of any unspent funds remaining after 12 months, which must be returned to Forever Notts.
  • If awarded a grant, I understand this will only be paid to a business bank account and I will provide a copy of a bank statement to confirm this.
  • If awarded a grant I will be invited to attend a Business Forum with other start-up entrepreneurs to exchange ideas, experiences and questions.  The aim of the forum is to offer a space to share and learn.

SWEF would like to potentially feature successful applicants in publicity activities.  Please tick this box to confirm you are willing to take part in marketing opportunities.

Equal Opportunities Monitoring:
This section will not be used when considering your application.  The answers will be used purely for statistical purposes and internal monitoring.

It is voluntary to disclose this information, however, by answering the questions it will enable us to better understand our grants.

Your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence.

If you need any help with this form or have any questions. Please contact Alex Overton by emailing alex@forevernotts.com or by phoning 01623 620202.