SWEF Enterprise Start-Up Business Grant Application

About You (the applicant):

What is the address where you currently live?

Your preferred contact details:

Previous experience, training and qualifications

What you write will help us understand your current situation and to check whether you meet the criteria for the fund. You could start your answer like this: “I had a hard time at school and left with four GCSEs (English grade 4, Maths grade 5 etc.), then did an apprenticeship at college. Unfortunately, I couldn’t finish my apprenticeship and now…”

If you don’t have many qualifications or work experience don’t worry, this won’t harm your application and we will take your background and situation into account.

You don’t have to answer this question if none of these things describe you. If you do answer it, then what you write will help us understand your circumstances and any disadvantages you may have faced. You could start your answer like this: “I have ADHD and found school difficult…”
Current Situation

Your business



Budget and business plan


Supporting Documents
Please attach copies of any documents here (such as a business plan or financial forecast).
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information within this form is complete and correct.

I further understand that:

  • I am applying for a one-off grant of up to £2,000 and if successful it is my responsibility to deal with any changes to state benefits or income tax liabilities arising from the grant.
  • If a grant is awarded it is based on the information I have given in this form and in any supporting documents I provide. If any of this information is found to be knowingly incorrect, I may be ineligible to apply for future grants.

  • If my circumstances change and this is relevant to my application or grant if awarded, I will contact Somerset Community Foundation immediately.
  • I understand I will be contacted by email regarding this application and any grant awarded and I will regularly check my emails and junk mail folder. 

  • I am aware that any information I provide will be shared with SWEF solely for the purpose of considering my application https://www.swef.uk/about 

  • I am aware that I may be invited to attend an online meeting with a representative from Somerset Community Foundation (SCF) and SWEF to discuss my application and business further and will let SCF know if I have any difficulties with this.

  • If a grant is awarded I agree to provide feedback to SCF within 6 months of receiving the grant offer, and to SWEF within 12 months of the grant offer date.

  • I am aware that a grant will only be paid to a business bank account in the name of my business.

  • If the grant is awarded, I agree to being a case study to promote the Fund if requested.
  • The information provided in this application will be processed and stored in accordance with Somerset Community Foundation's Data Protection Policy. For more information about how we gather and store date, please read our Privacy Statement.